Today I got my 4th parking ticket of the semester which is a big deal since if you get 5 they kick your car off campus. The kicker: the guy gave me the ticket to my face!
I drove to get a quick breakfast and had to park illegally since all the spots my gray "S" sticker allow me to sit in where full. I was still responsible and made sure to eat quickly, and in no-time was on my way out. As I approached my vehicle I realized that a Public Safety officer had parked in front of my car and was getting out to write me up.
I immediately ran over and exclaimed (this is verbatim): "Hey I'm sorry, I parked here for like 3 minutes to get some food." This particular officer was not at all amused and replied (verbatim):" I've been driv... (incoherent due to excessive spitting)...car's been here (incoherent due to excessive spitting)...been longer than 3 minutes"
I continued to plead "Alright, i've been here for like 15 minutes but..." At this point it was all over: I had made the fatal error of being honest. "Well" the officer smiled, "15 minute ain't 3 minutes." With that he walked away, got in his toy police car, and was off- probably to call his buddies and re-tell his John Wayne moment.
I went home, realized I was fucked, and posted it on my stupid blog.
Then I thought up all these cool responses I could have made to "15 minutes ain't 3 minutes." Most of them were inappropriate...would have been so awesome
There's always space at wing's point.
whatever dude fall bro8 no big deal fuck it.....
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